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发布日期:2021-09-09 05:59:22 作者: 北京汽车报废 点击:0

人民网北京9月26日电 据公安部网站消息,为进一步规范机动车登记、简化手续、提高服务水平,公安部已发布了《机动车登记管理办法》(公安部令第72号)。修改的。 2008年5月27日北京汽车报废厂,公安部发布了《机动车登记管理办法》(公安部令第102号),自2008年10月1日起施行。



答:72号令作为《道路交通安全法》的配套规定,由公安部于2004年4月30日发布,2004年5月1日起施行。72号令在我国道路交通安全法中发挥了重要作用。确保道路交通安全法顺利实施,规范机动车登记,加强道路交通安全源头管理,便利群众申领机动车牌照。但是,随着我国经济社会的发展,部分内容已经不适应形势发展的需要和人民群众更高的服务需要,有待修改和完善。一是经济社会的快速发展对机动车登记提出了新的更高要求。近四年来,机动车保有量快速增长。 2004年全国机动车保有量10783万辆,2008年8月达到16741万辆,增长55.3%,年均增长1490万辆,增长率为1.3.8%。机动车的快速发展和人们快节奏的生活要求车管所申请机动车牌照的手续必须简化,服务必须更加快捷。二是社会主义和谐社会建设对机动车登记提出了新的更高要求。为深入贯彻落实党的十七大精神,贯彻落实关注民生、改善民生、构建社会主义和谐社会的要求,积极响应人民群众对公安工作的新期望,努力满足人民群众对公安工作的新要求。车辆管理要更加突出“以人为本”的管理和服务理念,为群众申领机动车牌照提供更多便利,满足群众对优质、高效、便捷服务的需求。三是做好预防道路交通事故源头管理工作,对机动车登记提出了新的更高的要求。车辆管理是预防道路交通事故的第一道防线,是机动车出入的重要门户。维护好机动车登记门,保护人民群众生命财产安全。要求车辆管理进一步规范和完善机动车登记制度。严禁报废、走私、被盗车辆申领牌照,严格车辆安全性能检查,确保机动车安全性能达到国家标准,消除交通安全隐患。四是新出台的一些法律法规对机动车登记提出了新要求。 《物权法》、《典当管理办法》等一些新的法律法规对机动车登记、担保等方面都出台了新规定。为确保与相关法律法规的协调和衔接,机动车登记有待调整和完善。


潍坊黄标车报废补贴政策_公安<a href=https://m.bj-bfc.com/tag/baofeiche.html target=_blank class=infotextkey>报废车</a>政策解读_临沂黄标车报废补贴政策






公安<a href=https://m.bj-bfc.com/tag/baofeiche.html target=_blank class=infotextkey>报废车</a>政策解读_临沂黄标车报废补贴政策_潍坊黄标车报废补贴政策

答:新的《机动车登记管理办法》在保障监管和限制的基础上,简化了机动车登记的审批程序,减少了进出车辆管理站的人数。一是取消办理变更登记的前置审批手续。原来,如果需要改变车身颜色、改变车身或车架,机动车所有人必须提前向车辆管理处申请,经批准后方可进行更改,然后前往车辆管理处办理变更登记。共有三个链接,需要往返一次。车辆管理站2次。新的《机动车登记管理办法》减少事前审批,加强事后监管。其中规定,申请机动车车身颜色变更、更换车身或车架的,不需进行前置审批,变更完成后直接向车辆管理部门提出申请。所有报检和变更登记的车辆只需到车辆管理处一次即可完成。这样更实用,方便群众,减少了往返人数,同时事后检验,也能保证车辆的安全性能和独特性。二是取消进口车辆审批程序。考虑到随着《道路交通安全法》的实施,特别是统一版机动车登记制度的应用,可以有效发挥监督和控制作用。对不属于核定制度的进口车辆,取消省公安交通管理部门进口车辆登记、过户审批制度,全部进口车辆由地或县车辆管理办公室直接办理。市政府避免群众。市车辆管理处与省公安交通管理部门之间来回。三是取消停车、恢复驾驶审批业务。原机动车停牌、复牌业务主要是办理道路养护费的停牌和返还手续。目前,交通运输部门已经规范了养路费的暂停和恢复期。机动车停放和恢复业务没有实际意义。 新的《机动车登记管理办法》取消了机动车停放和恢复审批。群众如需办理养路费停缴手续,可直接到交通运输部门办理。次往返。


答:为方便群众就近办理机动车登记业务,新《机动车登记管理办法》规定,延长车辆管理服务窗口,拓宽服务渠道,为广大群众提供更多便利。群众。一是将汽车登记业务进一步延伸至县级车辆管理所。为方便群众就近办理车辆管理服务,要求县级车辆管理所办理摩托车、三轮车、低速货车以及进口机动车、危险化学品运输车辆登记注册手续。符合条件的车辆、校车、中型车辆。上述乘用车以外的机动车登记业务。目前,全国共有县级车辆管理处2145个。二是在机动车销售单位、交易市场、机动车安全技术检验机构、机动车报废回收企业等场所或单位设立“机动车登记服务站”。 2003年公安部出台的30条便民惠民措施中,允许在符合条件的车辆交易市场设置车牌窗口,群众购车后可直接申领车牌。交易。这一措施出台后,受到群众的欢迎。上海、天津、宁波等地也将这一措施扩大到汽车经销商(品牌店)和二手车交易市场。为方便群众申领证照,规定车辆管理处应当在机动车销售单位、交易市场、机动车安全技术检验机构、机动车报废回收企业等群众购车、查验机动车的场所或单位后,可直接申请登记、过户登记,也可在机动车报废后直接申请注销登记。三是对达到强制报废期或年检有效期的机动车,通过信函、手机短信或公告等方式,向机动车所有人提供通知服务。新的《机动车登记管理办法》进一步加强了机动车检验管理制度。不按照规定检查机动车的,依照《道路交通安全法》的有关规定,给予警告或者两百元以下罚款。因此,公安机关交通管理部门有必要将相关规定告知公众。机动车未在规定期限内进行安全技术检查或者达到强制报废期限的,应当通过广播、电视、报纸等新闻媒体向社会公告。通过邮寄信函、手机短信等方式通知机动车车主,提醒群众及时上门处理,避免出现群众不了解规定或忘记处理期限的情况由于其他原因,可能导致处罚。四是积极推进互联网预约、受理、办理机动车登记和业务。目前,北京、成都等地部分车管所推出了通过互联网预约机动车登记服务或编制、选择机动车号牌号等服务措施,受到群众普遍欢迎。为进一步方便群众,新的《机动车登记管理条例》工作条例规定,积极推广利用互联网预约、受理、办理机动车登记和业务,逐步落实机动车登记申请。车牌通过互联网遍及全国,让群众越来越感受到科技手段在车辆管理工作中的应用,给他们的生活带来了便利。


答:机动车号牌号一直是人们关心的问题。 2003年以前,机动车号牌号由车辆管理处按照排列顺序确定,发给机动车所有人。 2003年9月,公安部出台了30条便民惠民措施。车牌号由电脑公开自动选择,可以选择两个车牌号之一。 2007年7月,公安部出台16条服务群众措施。机动车所有人可以在五个车牌号中至少选择一个,并可以按照规定继续保留报废机动车的车牌号。两年来,各级公安交通管理部门不断收到群众对机动车车牌号的反馈意见,希望进一步拓宽选择车牌号的空间。为满足群众这方面的需求,新的《机动车登记管理办法》在借鉴国外经验和做法的基础上,进一步完善了机动车牌照的选择。一是扩大原车牌号激活范围。将允许申请恢复原车牌号的范围由报废机动车扩大至所有完成注销或转登记的机动车,进一步满足机动车所有人保留原车牌号的需要。同时,为防止部分人变相恶意买卖机动车号牌,规定了原机动车号牌号申请条件:(一)转让后六个月内申请登记或注销登记;(二)机动车所有人拥有原机动车三年以上;(三)道路交通安全违法行为和涉及原机动车的交通事故已处理。二是实施全国机动车所有人自选 机动车号牌服务办法规定,机动车号牌号选择方式有两种,机动车所有人可以选择其中一种:一种是公开的,一种是开放的。通过电脑自动选择,至少可以从5个车牌号中选择一个是机动车车主选择领取车牌号现场;另一种由机动车所有人根据机动车号牌编码规则确定。只要选择的车牌号之前没有使用过,自己就可以使用。需要注意的是,实行自行设计自选,不向群众收取选号费,号牌成本不变。机动车车主可根据当地不同情况,在车管所自行安排选择编号或通过互联网确定。采用自编自选的车牌生产周期为数天。机动车所有人可选择到指定地点领取或邮寄领取。从去年开始,天津等地开始生产车牌。机动车所有人编制、选用机动车号牌试点工作。 10月1日起,将在全国全面实施。

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(二)认真组织谋划,加强培训指导。为使自主设计、自主选择的机动车号牌号码在全国范围内顺利开展工作,公安部组织制定了统一的自行设计、自行选择的机动车号牌选号软件,分发到各地区;组织培训班3期,指导各地区做好设备配置、软件调试、车牌制作等实施和社会宣传的准备工作;总结推广河南、山东等地经验公安报废车政策解读,组织交流学习,同时规范机动车号牌样式。7月1日起,实现统一标准字体、统一标准色板,统一反光膜,提高机动车号牌防伪性能,各地区制定了周密的工作方案,结合因地制宜,待条件成熟时,开放“一”“一”原则。机动车车牌号自设自选工作分步分阶段实施。 (三)试点进展顺利,社会反响良好。截至目前,自选机动车车牌号已开发完成,工作进展顺利,市民可自行安排车牌号按照车牌标准,其中山东省发小车号牌77.3万副,由人民编选,江西省发8..@900万副,占占同期小车牌照总数的95.2%和83.1%。成都通过互联网实现机动车车牌号自主设计自选,群众足不出户即可选择自己喜欢的车牌号。长春市新增“乐天选号”方式。 ry”的基础上自编自选。 “三连号”(如666)、“一号”(001-009))均由群众选择,解除群众对交管部门“预留好号码”的疑虑.自主设计自主选择机动车 车牌号倡议实施后,受到了社会各界的普遍欢迎。



临沂黄标车报废补贴政策_潍坊黄标车报废补贴政策_公安<a href=https://m.bj-bfc.com/tag/baofeiche.html target=_blank class=infotextkey>报废车</a>政策解读



答:2003年,公安部出台30条便民便民措施,规定车辆登记申请不规范,由当地车辆管理所负责整改。基本解决了因车辆档案登记不规范、车辆技术参数不全导致退路的问题。但在现实生活中,仍有丢失登记证、车辆变色、环保标准不一致等原因,车辆管理不受理,导致群众在调出地之间来回奔波和转入车辆管理处多次,但他们无法申请许可证。为方便群众办理车辆转出、转入业务,新的《机动车登记管理办法》进一步规范了车辆的过户行为,不得随意退让。一是明确向当地车辆管理站调剂不得退休的五种情况,避免群众重复出行。 (1)机动车登记证遗失或遗失后调出(办理过户的同时补发登记证);(2)摩车因交通事故等原因调出更换engine, body or frame, change The color of the vehicle body (to register the change at the time of the transfer); (3) file is complete but there are errors in the registration, the file information is filled in, the printing is incorrect or not standardized, the technical parameters are incomplete, etc. (for the transfer Corrected and supplemented at the same time); (4)The file information of motor vehicles registered before April 30, 2004 is incomplete, and it is verified that they are not suspected of being stolen, smuggled, or illegally assembled (assembled); (The name of the transfer-in vehicle management office of 5) Signature is inaccurate, but it is within the jurisdiction of the same province and autonomous region . The s econd is to establish a coordination mechanism between the transfer-out location and the transfer-in vehicle management office. The transfer-in vehicle management office If it is deemed necessary to verify the files and materials, it shall coordinate with the transfer office. The transfer location shall issue written materials by fax within one day after receiving the assistance inspection application, and the transfer location shall handle the transfer in accordance with the written materials. The transfer location and transfer If there are disagreements when entering the place, report to the provincial public security organ’s traffic management department for coordination. These coordination must be carried out within the vehicle management office, and the parties must not be required to go back and forth. The third is to deal with when the transfer cannot be made due to environmental protection issues. If it is returned in compliance with the local emission standards established by law in the place of transfer, the vehicle management office of the transfer place shall accept it with the certificate of the vehicle management office of the transfer place, restore the registration content of the motor vehicle, and transfer the certificate of the vehicle management office of the transfer place The original is stored in the motor vehicle file.

十、Q: What are the regulations for strengthening vehicle source management?

Answer: The new "Regulations on Motor Vehicle Registration" focus on the work requirements of the first line of defense to prevent road traffic accidents, further standardize and improve the motor vehicle registration system, strictly inspect the safety performance of motor vehicles, and eliminate hidden traffic safety hazards. One is to strictly inspect and register motor vehicles. “Inspection posts” have been set, and the industry standards of the “Working Regulations for Motor Vehicle Inspection” have been formulated to clarify the duties, tasks and inspection requirements of police officers, strictly control vehicle registration and customs, and strengthen the control of large and medium-sized passenger trucks and hazardous chemicals. Annual inspection of transport vehicles, school buses and other key vehicles to ensure the safety performance of the vehicles. The second is that if the model, engine number, vehicle identification code or relevant technical data of a motor vehicle does not meet the national safety and technical standards, registration will not be processed, and vehicles that do not meet the standards are strictly prohibited from driving on the road, which clarifies the legal basis. At the same time, it is also a restriction on the behavior of the police, and it is not allowed to register vehicles that do not meet the national standards. The third is to strictly manage motor vehicle license plates. Improved the anti-counterfeiting performance of motor vehicle licenses, improved the technical requirements for motor vehicle license plates, unified the fonts, color codes, and reflective films of motor vehicle license plates nationwide to effectively prevent and combat counterfeit licenses, misappropriation of license plates, etc. The license is involved in traffic violations. The fourth is to clarify the legal obligations of the applicant. According to the "Administrative Licensing Law," the provision that "applicants applying for motor vehicle registration should truthfully submit the required materials to the vehicle management office and reflect the true situation, and be responsible for the authenticity of the substance of the application materials", clearly uses forged documents And false materials and other means to apply for the legal responsibility of motor vehicle registration. The fifth is to regulate the issuance and use of temporary driving license plates. It is stipulated that if a motor vehicle needs to travel on the road temporarily due to scientific research, type testing, and vehicle limits exceeding national standards, the temporary driving license plate shall be applied for in accordance with the regulations.

潍坊黄标车报废补贴政策_临沂黄标车报废补贴政策_公安<a href=https://m.bj-bfc.com/tag/baofeiche.html target=_blank class=infotextkey>报废车</a>政策解读

10一、How are the legal liabilities for motor vehicle owners or drivers violating motor vehicle registration regulations stipulated?

Answer: In order to ensure the implementation of various regulations on motor vehicle registration and ensure road traffic safety, the new "Regulations on Motor Vehicle Registration" is based on the provisions of the Legislation Law and the Road Traffic Safety Law, 》There are no penalties set but common traffic violations that affect road traffic safety have set penalties, imposing warnings or fines of different amounts. There are mainly seven types of traffic violations: First, trucks and their trailers fail to paint large-scale license plates in accordance with regulations. The second is that motor vehicle body logos or advertisements affect safe driving. The third is that trucks and trailers fail to install side and rear lower protective devices and paste body reflective signs in accordance with regulations. Fourth, the motor vehicle failed to undergo safety technical inspection within the prescribed time limit. Fifth, the motor vehicle has not undergone changes, transfer or transfer registration within the prescribed time limit. Sixth, the appearance of the motor vehicle and the registered technical data were changed without authorization. Seventh, obtaining motor vehicle registration by fraud, bribery and other improper means. Among them, trucks and trailers failed to install side and rear lower protective devices and paste body reflective signs in accordance with regulations, mainly for the implementation of the national standard "Technical Conditions for Safety of Motor Vehicle Operation". According to the requirements of this standard, since September 10, 2008, all trucks (including three-wheeled vehicles, low-speed trucks and special operation vehicles with modified chassis of cargo vehicles) and trailers for registration shall be affixed with body reflective signs as required; Trucks and trailers with a total mass greater than 3,500 kg that have been registered shall be equipped with side and rear guards as required. Starting from October 20, 2008, all trucks and trailers in use shall be affixed with reflective markings on their bodies as required. Starting from February 20, 2009, trucks and trailers in use with a total mass greater than 3500kg should be equipped with side rear guards as required. There are four main types of unauthorized changes to the appearance of motor vehicles and related technical data that have been registered: one is personalized modification, such as adding rear wing, changing the appearance of the body, changing the engine, changing the power, etc., which are more common in cars or off-road vehicles. The second is to increase the number of leaf springs for trucks, widen and heighten carriage barriers, and lengthen carriages. The third is to transform the internal structure of passenger cars and increase the number of seats. The fourth is to change the type of fuel and change gasoline (diesel) oil vehicles to oil-gas dual-fuel vehicles. These illegal modifications will seriously affect the safety performance of the vehicle, so the punishment is relatively large, warning or a fine of less than 500 yuan.

10二、Q: How are the legal responsibilities for the traffic police or staff of the traffic management department of the public security department for motor vehicle registration in violation of regulations?

Answer: In order to regulate the handling of motor vehicle registration by the public security traffic management department, strengthen the supervision system, and implement the accountability system, the new "Regulations on Motor Vehicle Registration" deal with the traffic police or hired personnel of the public security traffic management department in violation of the regulations to handle motor vehicles. Legal responsibilities for registration. A total of 10 violations of laws and disciplines are listed, including: (一) violates regulations for registration of motor vehicles that have been stolen, smuggled, illegally assembled (assembled), and meet the national compulsory scrapping standards; (二)不依Provisions for confirming motor vehicles and reviewing certificates and vouchers; (三) deliberately creating difficulties, delaying or refusing to apply for motor vehicle registration; (四) violating these regulations to increase motor vehicle registration conditions or submitting certificates and vouchers; (五) Violating the provisions of Article 44 of these regulations and using other methods to determine the motor vehicle license plate number; (六) Violating the regulations to transact motor vehicle registration and business across administrative jurisdictions; (七)越职权 entering the computer registration system Handle motor vehicle registration and business, or use the motor vehicle registration system to handle registration and business in violation of regulations; (八) leaking or disseminating the computer registration system password to others, causing system data to be tampered with, lost or destroyed; (九)) @Using the convenience of the position to request or accept other people’s property or seek other benefits; (十)强令车管理所 violates these regulations to apply for motor vehicle registration. For the above-mentioned violations of laws and disciplines, the directly responsible personnel will be investigated according to the regulations. And the administrative or criminal liability of the person directly in charge.

At present, public security traffic management in various places is doing various preparatory work before implementation to ensure smooth implementation across the country on October 1. In the next step, the Ministry of Public Security will urge all localities to implement the new "Regulations on Motor Vehicle Registration". At the same time, continue to continuously meet the people's new expectations and new requirements for public security traffic management as the fundamental starting point for improving policies and work, further strengthen and improve various tasks, comprehensively improve work standards and service levels, and actively introduce new conveniences for the people. , Benefiting the people and benefiting the people, so that the people can truly enjoy the benefits brought to the people by the public security organs' law enforcement.


关键词:   车管所  天津网上车管所  工作规范